Monday 27 October 2014

Undies Theatre - Nancy Loomis in Halloween (Scene 2)

Nancy Loomis treats us to not just one but two scenes featuring her marvelous tush as she diligently continues to wash her clothes and expose herself to the maniac outside (and the audience!). Its interesting how movie babes used to wear more colorful panties prior to the 90s. Nancy's choice in underwear certainly adds to her character's personality and it would be fun to see future scream queens attempt something other than the standard black and white.

1 comment:

  1. What's always struck me about this scene was the role reversal between the little girl Lindsay and the Annie character.

    Annie is supposed to be in charge, the adult. Yet she looses her clothes and winds up a panty exposed little girl who gets stuck in a window-- and her charge has to help her out. While Annie is getting herself into all sorts of trouble, Lindsay is quietly watching TV, somewhat bored. She handles the telephone call well and then sets out to find what further mayhem Annie is causing. Lindsay of course finds that Annie has locked herself in the laundry room and stuck trying to climb out a window, childish print underpants on full display. Lindsay is portrayed as calm, rational, mature, and importantly, fully dressed. Meanwhile, Annie is flighty, impulsive, and reduced to running around in her underwear...ineffective and incompetent. In effect, Lindsay and Annie have swapped roles...Lindsay is babysitting Annie.

    This becomes even more glaring when you think of Laurie's experience with the other neighbor kid....
