Thursday 29 January 2015

Models in Undies - Lucy Anne Brooks and Rachel B

We realize it has been some time since the last post so what better way to catch up than a good ol' two for one deal! Beautiful Lucy Anne can't seem to catch a break with frisky friend Rachel doing her best to show Lucy's undies to the world- and we're happy to say she was quite successful! Find the full (and slightly more revealing) set at OnlyTease!

HD Resolution Bonus

Thursday 30 October 2014

Undies Theatre - JoBeth Williams in Poltergeist

Saving the best for last! Capping off our Halloween special is a movie that established the sexual fantasies of an entire generation of viewers- Tobe Hooper's "Poltergeist". Despite being a PG film, this movie has one of the longest and most excessive panty scenes in history, as hot mom JoBeth Williams gets tossed around in every possible way while being harassed by a pervy spirit. Sure, that football jersey and those flower-print cotton panties might not be the most flattering of outfits, but the scene feels all the more "real" because of them. Combined with JoBeth's flattering figure, this scene arouses more than just fear.

Happy Halloween! 

Undies Theatre - Amanda Wyss in A Nightmare on Elm Street

The second last feature in the greatest horror movie panty scene extravaganza to ever grace the internet: beautiful Amanda Wyss in The Nightmare on Elm Street. This classic was made on a shoestring budget and managed to cram in similar themes to front-runners like Halloween. To sum it up, have too much sex and you'll die. In your DREAMS! Even though this particular scene plays up scares over titillation, it's hard to deny that Amanda looks fantastic little else than a sleep-shirt.