Friday 3 October 2014

Beauties of Jockey

One aspect that makes Jockey unique as an underwear brand is their choice of models. As opposed to popular brands like Victoria Secret, Jockey tends to feature more women who embody more realistic ideals of beauty, which makes them all the more stunning. Its also great to see women who actually look older than twenty modeling underwear; they add a dash of elegance that makes it all the more sexy. 


  1. Can You Please Identify All Of The Models In These Advertisements?

  2. The first picture will always be my favorite. I love how the woman has such a beautiful smiling face while lifting up her undershirt and showing off her belly button! Since a lot of women feel insecure about their bodies and overall image, this looks to be a very open chick who is perfectly confident and satisfied with her body and therefore willing to expose her belly button, a more private part, for an advertisement. And by displaying the remnant of her birth where the umbilical cord once connected this woman to her mother when she was in the womb growing into a baby, it adds a beautiful meaning to her as a model and perhaps might encourage other women who feel insecure about their bodies to see themselves in a new way of beauty.
